So you may have seen Balenciaga's take on collar tips and similar ones which may be purchased on but here's how to make them yourself.
What you'll need:
- 2 decorative brass corners
- 2 clutch pin backs
- 2 pieces of think fabric scrap (felt, wool etc.)
- Hammer
- Cutting pliers
- Super glue
Start by drawing 2 lines at 45 degree angles on the inside of each brass corner, creating a small wedge. Use cutting pliers to cut out these wedges.
Sandwich a brass corner between 2 pieces of fabric. The fabric will prevent the brass from dents from the hammer. Lightly tap the hammer, flattening the edges inward.
Once flattened, superglue a clutch pin back on each backside
Let it dry.
Done! Attach your new collar tips to any shirt!